Okay so here's what were going to do Patty and I are sitting here watching the movie let's be cops we live at 105 Doll Fan Dr. that's and Tonawanda New York vets and Tonawanda New York we are here with her dogs grant, hope, and Mimi. One of our favorite vacations to take is one we get to go to California and really enjoy California because of the beautiful beaches and we also enjoy going to Hollywood. We really enjoyed was driving around and taking pictures and following stars from fire department restaurant to restaurant all through Southern California. We frequently go from previewing food and in and out Burger as well. Patty is from Peru So what was going on the Buffalo Bills just recently signed Sean Cloyd to a five deal which is a pretty exciting development for an up-and-coming team. Patty's adjustment to see if it sucks or if it's because of us I will deposit because I just want to see if this program sucks it's because it's too much noise going on in the background. We live in Tonawanda New York which is a suburb of Buffalo New York. Patty works a company called national fuel gas. I'm an unemployed mother Fokker. I actually used to work at a bar/restaurant called bada bing. My son Danny lives in Niagara Falls New York. My son JJ used to go to a school called Brockport. My son Jason goes to a school called Sweet home. And my son Jacob lives with his mother. We have three dogs their names are Grant hope and Mimi. Patty wants me to press play Kush you don't give a flock that I'm trying to get some done so on the press play because she is zero plucking patients for anything that I try to do a better microphone